“Working with children to reach the maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school, and community environments.”

What types of needs do Physical Therapists address?

– Developmental activities
– Movement and mobility
– Strengthening
– Motor learning
– Balance and coordination
– Recreation, play, and leisure
– Daily care activities and routines
– Equipment design, fabrication, and fitting
– Tone management
– Assistive technology
– Posture, positioning, and lifting
– Orthotics and prosthetics • Burn and wound care
– Cardiopulmonary endurance
– Pain management

Who might benefit from Physical Therapy?

An individual dealing with a wide variety of conditions may benefit from physical therapy such as difficulty with mobility, strength, or coordination.  We work with any individual ages 0-21 in our clinic.

What services are available in your clinic?

Get Set Grow Therapies offers a large therapy gym and simulated environments to help support mobility needs and develop skills needed for individuals to operate in their natural environments.  We offer a variety of frequencies including weekly and intensive scheduling options.  Our physical therapists have specialty training in a variety of areas. We have equipment in house including LiteGait mobility, Universal Exercise Unit, Whole Body Vibration, Therasuit, Theratogs, and TASES. We also have therapists trained in Dynamic Movement Intervention.

How do I get my child services?

Please talk to your child’s pediatrician or specialty doctor about your concerns. A referral can be sent to our office from your child’s physician. An evaluation will be completed by one of our trained therapists and recommendations will be determined at that time.

